12 Biggest Benefits of Mace Training

Adjustable maces

Training with an adjustable mace, also known as a macebell or a steel mace, offers a variety of benefits for your overall fitness and functional strength. This unique piece of equipment consists of a long handle with a weighted ball on one end and is highly effective for a range of exercises.

Adjustable maces

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Here are some benefits of training with an adjustable mace:

  1. Improved Core Strength: Many macebell exercises require you to stabilize and control the mace’s uneven weight distribution. This engages your core muscles, including your abdominals and obliques, helping to develop a strong and stable core.
  2. Enhanced Grip Strength: Gripping the handle of the macebell and controlling its movements can significantly improve your grip strength. A strong grip is beneficial in various sports and daily activities.
  3. Functional Strength: Macebell training involves movements that mimic real-life activities, such as swinging and rotating, making it highly functional for improving your overall strength and coordination.
  4. Shoulder and Rotator Cuff Strength: Macebell exercises like the 360-degree swing and the shoulder press can help strengthen your shoulders and rotator cuff muscles, reducing the risk of injuries and improving shoulder stability.
  5. Full-Body Workout: Macebell training engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a full-body workout. This can save time and be efficient for those looking to work on both strength and endurance.
  6. Increased Range of Motion: The swinging and rotational movements performed with a macebell can help improve your joint mobility and flexibility, particularly in the shoulders, hips, and spine.
  7. Balance and Coordination: The uneven weight distribution of the mace challenges your balance and coordination. Over time, this can lead to better proprioception and improved overall athletic performance.
  8. Cardiovascular Conditioning: Macebell exercises can be performed at a high intensity, which can elevate your heart rate and provide cardiovascular benefits when incorporated into a well-rounded workout routine.
  9. Low-Impact Training: Mace training is generally low-impact, making it suitable for individuals with joint issues or those looking for a lower-impact alternative to traditional weightlifting.
  10. Versatility: Macebells come in various weights and can be adjusted to suit your fitness level. This versatility makes them suitable for beginners and advanced athletes alike.
  11. Mental Focus: Macebell training requires concentration and mindfulness to control the movement and prevent injury, which can help improve mental focus and mind-body connection.
  12. Variety in Workouts: Adding mace training to your fitness routine can provide a fresh and enjoyable way to challenge your body, preventing workout boredom and plateaus.

To maximize the benefits of the Maverick Mace adjustable macebell, it’s essential to learn proper techniques and start with an appropriate weight. Consider working with a certified trainer or taking classes to ensure you’re using the equipment safely and effectively.